Core Components


Bridge curriculum is designed to spark scholars' intellectual curiosity, stretch their academic horizon, and bolster their ability to succeed at Cal. Scholars will be placed in two academic courses, for a total of 6-8 units, which are carefully selected to advance their major and career interests.

Course Offerings

Scholars will be able to choose from courses offered in Science, Social Sciences, Mathematics, Arts & Humanities and Reading & Composition. All courses count toward UCB graduation requirements.

Course Placement

To help scholars solidify their academic foundation and close any gaps of knowledge, the Summer Bridge Course Placement Committee will identify and place scholars in two courses that will best position them for success in the Fall. Prior to placement, scholars will be asked to complete a survey,  which will help the committee determine the best course combination for them. 

In general, the Committee makes the determination based on the following factors:

  • Scholars' self-identified academic and career interests
  • Previous college-level coursework
  • Performance on selected AP and IB
  • Score on Analytical Writing Placement Exam

Textbook and Supplies

Textbooks and supplies are available for order from the campus bookstore or alternative sources. Scholars who are eligible for financial aid support may receive refunds from which the costs of texts and supplies may be paid.

Academic Expectations

Bridge scholars are expected to pass all courses with a grade of C or better (or Pass in Pass/Not Pass courses). Scholars are further expected to:

  • Attend all lectures, discussions, workshops, and scheduled tutoring sessions;
  • Come prepared to engage fully in lectures, discussions, workshops, and tutoring sessions;
  • Complete all reading, writing, and homework assignments on time, including any missed work; and
  • Maintain the utmost academic integrity in all coursework.


Each scholar's UC transcript and GPA will include the grades and credits earned during Bridge. Bridge scholars are encouraged to take all courses for a letter grade, except where only offered on a Pass/Not Pass (P/NP) basis. Scholars should consult with their course instructor and college advisor/counselor before changing a letter grade to P/NP. 

Course Offerings

Scholars will be placed in two of the following courses as determined by the Course Placement Committee (see above). Scholars are strongly encouraged to study the course offerings to make an informed decision about which courses, if eligible, they would like to take.

American Cultures

Geography N50AC (3 units)

California (American Cultures)

California had been called "the great exception" and "America, only more so." Yet few of us pay attention to its distinctive traits and to its effects beyond our borders. California may be "a state of mind," but it is also the most dynamic place in the most powerful country in the world, and would be the 8th largest economy if it were a country. Its wealth has been built on mining, agriculture, industry, trade, and finance. Natural abundance and geographic advantage have played their parts, but the state's greatest resource has been its wealth and diversity of people, who have made it a center of technological and cultural innovation from Hollywood to Silicon Valley. Yet California has a dark side of exploitation and racialization.

Satisfies: American Cultures Requirement | Prequisites: None | Lecture Time: TBA


Mathematics 32 (4 units)

This course covers topics such as exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometry, complex numbers, binomial theorem, conics, and analytic geometry. Designed to prepare scholars for success in university-level coursework in calculus, the highly interactive classroom settings allows students to strengthen their quantitative foundation, further their mathematical intuition, and bolster their academic confidence.

Satisfies: Prepares scholars for Mathematics 1A, 10A and 16A (all colleges); fulfills major requirement in CNR and also satisfies the Quantitative Reasoning requirement (L&S) | Prerequisites: Pass of Self-Assessment Exam with a Score of 15 or higher. (The exam is to be taken on Gradescope. The link will sent to your bMail, Date TBA. You will have 3 hours to complete the exam. You must complete the exam prior to turning in your Course Placement Input Form). | Lecture Time: TBA | Discussion Time: TBA

Mathematics 96/98 (3 units)
College Algebra

Math 96: This course is designed to introduce scholars to the fundamentals of precalculus in a university setting, with an emphasis on math theory. Taken concurrently with Math 98, students will acquire the tools to integrate algebraic concepts and develop problem-solving strategies. Topics include Algebraic, Inverse, Exponential, and Logarithmic functions. While students may have been exposed to these topics in high school, they will gain an even deeper understanding of the material to strengthen their foundation for success and mastery in university-level calculus. Within the context of these topics, students gain insight on how to solve proofs, think abstractly, apply theory, and synthesize the material in order to succeed in mathematics courses throughout the UC Berkeley curriculum.

Math 98: To be taken in conjunction with Math 96, this course offers students additional high-touch, high-quality academic support that helps them cultivate learning practices and the mindset necessary to succeed in mathematics. Through individual consultations, small group discussion, and guided reflective practice, students will grow in their confidence and ability to navigate the rigor of mathematics instruction at Cal.

Satisfies: Prepares scholars for Mathematics 32 (which fulfills the Quantitative Reasoning requirement in L&S) | Prerequisites: None | Math 96 Lecture Time: TBA | Math 98 Meeting Time: TBA


Chemistry 32 (2 units)

Preparation for General Chemistry 

This course strengthens students' foundation  for General Chemistry (Chem 1A) at UC Berkeley. Topics covered include elements, atoms, molecules, chemical reactions, chemical calculations, properties of gases and gas laws;  thermodynamics, acid/base chemical equilibrium, and periodic trends. In addition, by practicing learning as a process, students will cultivate the habits, strategies, and mindset necessary to succeed in the sciences. Through rigorous practice and guided reflection, students will grow in their ability to master the subject matter and hone their disposition toward scientific learning.

Satisfies: This course prepares scholars for Chemistry 1A and fulfills graduation requirements. | Prerequisites: None Lecture TimeTBA | Discussion Time: TBA

Integrative Biology 11 (3 units)

California Natural History 

An introduction to the biomes, plants, and animals of California. The lectures will introduce natural history as the foundation of the sciences, with an overview of geology, paleontology, historical biology, botany, zoology, ecosystem ecology, and conservation biology. The field labs will include activities on the UC Berkeley campus and around the Bay Area. Course is open to all students without prerequisite and will provide a foundation for advanced study in biology and field biology.

SatisfiesFulfills Biological Science, L&S Breadth. | Prerequisites: None | Lecture TimeTBA

Social Science

Chicano 50 (3 units)

Introduction to Chicanx History

This course is an introduction to the Chicanx historical experiences in the United States. It will introduce you to the foundations forming the field of Chicano Studies, beginning with the Chicano Movement of the 1960s and 1970s. We will explore current and historical issues affecting Chicanx people, including identity formation, race, gender, class, sexuality, colonization, globalization, and migration.

Satisfies: Humanities/Social Science breadth (CoE); Arts and Literature breadth (CED and L&S) | Prerequisites: None | Lecture Time: TBA | Discussion Time: TBA

Theater 5 (3 units)
Public Speaking 

This provide students with the ability to present themselves and material clearly, confidently, and persuasively, using age-old arts of oral communication. Students will learn techniques for overcoming the fear of public speaking, developing clear enunciation, finding and using their natural, unaffected vocal register, varying tone and intonation to hold audience interest, controlling pacing, moving with assurance and purpose, using appropriate gestures and eye contact, as well as exploring methods to change behaviors that bar effective communication and structure speeches to maximize persuasiveness.

SatisfiesHumanities/Social Science breadth (CoE); Arts and Literature breadth (CED and L&S) |Prerequisites: None. Recommended for scholars who desire to develop their ability to communicate confidently and persuasively. | Lecture Time: TBA

Academic Support

Scholars will be plugged into a comprehensive network of peer academic support via the Student Learning Center.  Moreover, they will have access to peer advising via campus partners such as the Athletics Study CenterDisabled Students ProgramEducational Opportunity ProgramGender and Equity Resource CenterHope Scholars ProgramUndocumented Student Program, etc.

Advising & Counseling

Advising and Counseling

Scholars have access to academic advising and counseling professionals who can help them explore and clarify their academic interests and develop plans of study appropriate for their goals and priorities.  

Academic Advising

Scholars can meet with advisors from their academic college to better understand graduation requirements, course planning, major selection, and research and internship opportunities.

Academic Counseling

Scholars can also schedule appointments with academic counselors to obtain strategies for navigating any affective, personal, and social issues affecting their academic wellbeing and transition to Cal. Contact the appropriate office below:

Psychological Counseling

Professional therapists from Counseling and Psychological Services offer short-term counseling for academic, career, and personal issues and also offers psychiatry services for circumstances when medication can help with counseling. Drop-in and by appointment services are available at two locations: 150 César Chávez Center and the Tang Center (2222 Bancroft Way).

Academic Accommodations

Scholars with specific learning needs, chronic conditions, or disabilities can request support from the Disabled Students' Program.

Mentorship: "You Belong Here"

Scholars will enroll in a mentorship program—co-created by Summer Bridge and Berkeley Connect—to further help them navigate the research university. This one-unit seminar matches scholars with an advanced graduate student who will serve as their mentor for the summer. Through one-on-one and group mentoring, scholars will further cultivate their academic community and mentor network at Cal.