Programs Supported

Language Exchange Program

The Language Exchange Program provides a free, flexible, and fun-filled way for Cal students, international and domestic, to meet and share their language skills. The program emphasizes mutual exchange by all participants so you will have the opportunity to learn and teach a language. Participants will be grouped and/or paired with a proficient speaker of the language they are interested in practicing.

For more information: visit the LEP homepage or email

Math & Statistics

Drop-In tutoring is available for most lower-division Math and Statistics courses, as well as Math 104, 110, 113, 128A, and 185 and Stat 134. Ask questions about course concepts, meet fellow students, and sharpen your problem-solving skills. 

Courses supported: Math 32, 16AB, 1AB, 10AB, 53, 54, 55, 104, 110, 113, 128A, and 185 and Statistics 2, 20, 21, 134. Lower- and Upper-Division Statistics and Lower-Division Math support is available M-Th, 12-5pm. Upper-Division Math support is available M-F, 12-4pm. All tutoring starts Thursday, June 20th and is in the César E. Chávez Student Center Atrium. See the Student User Guide for more detailed location information.

Drop-In Tutoring is a collaborative space designed to encourage students to work in groups with a tutor as a guide on problem sets, concepts, or anything related to the material in their courses. The tutors may provide a conceptual framework on a given concept or create parallel problems to assess and develop content mastery.

Drop-In Tutoring is available and free for all students enrolled in Summer Session courses. If you are interested in our services just drop in and sign in by scanning the QR codes on the table and filling out the Google form. See the Student User Guide for more detailed information on where and how to access our services.

If you are enrolled in a course not in the above list and still want to receive support, you are welcome to sign in as “Other Math” or “Other Stat” as appropriate as there may be staff available to work with you. Be sure to let the staff know which course you are interested in working on and we will assess how we can best support you.

For more information, visit the Math/Stat Program homepage or email Mike Leong at


Drop-in tutoring is available for Biology 1AChemistry 1AChemistry 3AChemistry 3B. Ask questions about course concepts, meet fellow students, and sharpen your problem-solving skills. Exam Reviews are available for Chemistry 1A, 3A, and 3B.

For more information, visit the SLC Science Program homepage or email


  • Appointment Tutoring: Writers can schedule a 50-minute appointment in advance to discuss their work with a tutor. This format is ideal for writers who wish to explore in depth specific tools to solidify their ideas and refine their prose. 
  • Weekly Tutoring: Writers can sign up to work with the same tutor up to twice a week to master the fundamentals of academic writing. This format is highly recommended for writers taking R&C courses and ideal for writers who are new to American academic writing conventions.
  • Topical writing workshops: Our workshops offer a supportive, inclusive learning space for writers to further develop and strengthen their academic voice. Led by professional staff in small-group settings, writers will practice key elements of college writing and acquire a clear understanding of academic conventions and expectations at Cal.

For more information, visit the SLC Writing Program homepage or email