Information Workshops
Our Information Workshops guide student facilitators in discovering the steps to create a Student-Facilitated Course, more commonly known as DeCal! By attending an Information Workshop, you will be able to strategize for the next steps of your DeCal proposal process and connect with fellow student facilitators!
Please note that attending an Information Workshop does not fulfill the Academic Senate mandated pedagogical training for first-time facilitators. For training offerings, please see our list of Training Workshops.
"Getting Started: The A to Z of Proposing a DeCal"
Develop your course vision in community with other student facilitators and learn the important deadlines, policies, and requirements of creating a DeCal!
Spring 2025
Register via this Google Form.
February Training Schedule: New dates will be added each month!
Friday, February 7 II 12-1PM II via Zoom
Wednesday, February 12 II 1-2PM II via Zoom
- Friday, February 14 II 2-3PM II via Zoom
Questions? Contact
Training Workshops
Our Training Workshops equip student facilitators with the theoretical and practical foundation to improve their craft of peer facilitation. At a Training Workshop, you will be able to explore the pedagogy behind effective, student-centered facilitation and syllabus-creation. Not only that, you will be able to complete mandatory pedagogical training required by the Academic Senate if you are a first-time facilitator or further hone your facilitation skills if you are a veteran student facilitator!
Attend any one of our training workshops before the Course Proposal Form (CPF) deadline to complete the mandatory training requirement for first-time facilitators. The CPF deadline for Fall 2025 is July 2025. The CPF deadline for Spring 2025 was November 20, 2024.
"Three Pillars of a Student-Centered Syllabus"
Discover three key characteristics of an impactful and effective student-centered syllabus—and the resources to help you embody these qualities in your own course "blueprint"! Facilitators at any stage of the syllabus-crafting process are welcome.
Note: In preparation for this training, please register for your desired date, as well as complete the following by 9 AM of the day of your training: Mano Singham's "Death to the Syllabus!"; Jill Lane's "The Two-Purpose Syllabus: A Blueprint for Faculty and Students"; and the Three Pillars Reflection Activity that accompanies these brief articles. Failure to complete and submit this reflection activity by the stated deadline means you will not be able to participate in training.
Spring 2025
See the dates and register via this Google Form.
February Training Schedule: New dates will be added each month!
Wednesday, February 26 II 11AM-12:30PM II via Zoom
Questions? Contact
"Facilitation Habits That Enhance Student Learning"
Examine six common teaching behaviors that hinder student learning and explore facilitation habits that you can utilize to optimize student learning in your DeCal classroom!
Note: In preparation for this training, please register for your desired date, as well as complete the following by 9 AM of the day of your training: Sondra Napell's brief article "Teaching Tips: Six Common Non-Facilitating Teaching Behaviors," and its accompanying Facilitation Habits Reflection Activity on your own. Failure to complete and submit this reflection activity by the stated deadline means you will not be able to participate in training.
Spring 2025
See the dates and register via this Google Form.
February Training Schedule: New dates will be added each month!
Wednesday, February 19 II 2-3PM II via Zoom
Monday, February 24 II 4-5PM II via Zoom
Questions? Contact
For Student Facilitators
The UCFTR team offers consultations for students who are interested in creating or are currently facilitating a DeCal. During a consultation, you will be able to request guidance on the DeCal proposal process, seek feedback on your syllabi and other proposal materials, and discuss strategies for effective DeCal facilitation. Consultations do not fulfill the pedagogical training requirement. For training offerings, please see our Training Workshops section.
Email to schedule an appointment.
For Faculty & Staff
Staff and faculty are invited to contact the UCFTR program at about any questions or concerns they may have about the DeCal proposal process or about supporting student facilitators in their department.
Classroom Observations
Classroom observations are available to student facilitators seeking support or feedback on their DeCal course facilitation! To learn more about this service or set up a classroom observation, please contact