About this Service
Weekly Tutoring offers in-person or virtual one-on-one writing support for student writers enrolled in any academic course at Cal. Writers meet with their tutors on a weekly basis—for 50-minutes—to practice writing as a process. This format is ideal for writers who wish to gain deeper insight into the U.S. academic writing conventions and who understand that "good" writing is a practiced and learnable set of skills.
Note: We do not support non-academic writing such as creative writing, personal statements, resumés, or applications and we highly encourage you to visit the Career Center's Live Reception for further support.
Hours of Operation
Thank you for using our services this semester! Weekly service will return Monday, 2/3. Please read below to familiarize yourself with the new process to request a weekly tutor.
Hours of Operation Schedule:
- M-Th 11AM-5PM (in-person and virtual)
- MW, 6-7PM (virtual only)
- Fridays, 11AM-5PM (virtual only)
How to Sign up for Weekly
Our weekly service requires the following two steps to begin:
- Submit a Weekly Service Request Form for Spring 2025.
- Complete a mandatory, virtual orientation with your Weekly Tutor. Please see below for more information on orientations.
The Process
So you’ve completed the request form—what’s next?
After reviewing your request, we will assign you a weekly tutor based on your form submission. You will receive an email from the SLC Writing Program (slcwritingprg@berkeley.edu) with your weekly tutor assignment and virtual orientation date. We encourage you to put our email in your contact to ensure our communication is not sent to spam. Your orientation date will be your first session with your Weekly Tutor.
Within 48 hours of receiving the system confirmation, your assigned tutor will follow up with you to confirm your first session. Please follow up with your tutor to let them know you will be there!
About Weekly Orientations
Your virtual orientation will take place during your first session with your assigned Weekly Writing Tutor. The purpose of the Weekly orientation is to familiarize you with the service and ensure this is the right service for you. Additionally, you and your new Writing Tutor will have the opportunity to establish your meeting time, mode, and expectations as well as set goals for your writing journey and partnership this semester.
Preparing for your Orientation
At the start of your first session, please join our virtual lounge. You can find the link in your confirmation email and linked below. Please have any course materials (syllabi, readings, prompts/assignments, outlines, drafts, etc.) ready and accessible to discuss with your tutor.
Additionally, you and your new Writing Tutor will have the opportunity to establish your meeting time, mode, frequency, and expectations as well as set goals for your writing journey and partnership this semester.
Important Note: You will not likely have much time to discuss any writing assignments during your first session. We encourage you to visit us for Drop-in if you have any pressing projects at this time. You can visit your assigned tutors' hours or any of our friendly tutors' Drop-in times. They are all here to support you!
How to Visit Us
Once you’re assigned and your first meeting is confirmed, see below how to visit us.
To get started in-person:
- Visit the Vèvè Writing Lounge located on the 1st floor the César Chávez Atrium (entrance located in Lower Sproul).
- Complete the sign-in form (will be shared by the Program Ambassador at the sign-in desk).
- Wait for our Ambassador to connect you with your Weekly Tutor.
To get started virtually:
- Log on to the Virtual VèVè Writing Lounge (<— Zoom link)
- Complete the sign-in form (will be shared by the Program Ambassador).
- Wait for our Ambassador to connect you with your Weekly Tutor.
To make the most out of your virtual session, we encourage you to check out our Virtual Student Guide (bmail log-in required).
If you have any questions or encounter any technical difficulties, contact us at slcwritingprg@berkeley.edu.