Physics 7A, 7B & 7C

Physics 7A, 7B and 7C

Fall 2024 Physics 7A Course Information

Instructors: William J. Golightly

Course ID: 22614, 23044

Meeting Times: MWF 2:00 - 2:59pm, TuTh 2:00 - 3:29pm 

Course Description: Mechanics and wave motion.

Fall 2024 Physics 7B Course Information

Instructors: Catherine Bordel, Alessandra Lanzara

Course ID: 22540, 22542

Meeting Times: MWF 11:00  - 11:59am, TuTh 9:30-10:59am

Course Description: Heat, electricity, and magnetism.

Fall 2024 Physics 7C Course Information

Instructors: Ronnie Spitzer

Course ID: 22628

Meeting Times: TuTh 2:00-3:29pm

Course Description: Heat, electricity, and magnetism.

Fall 2024 Services Offered 

Services are offered in partnership with the Astronomy and Physics departments. Offerings will begin in the third week of instruction. Please visit the link below to view service hours and room locations.

Drop-InTopic ReviewExam Review
Schedule Not Offered Not Offered

Note: SLC services are complementary to academic support offered by the course instructional team, campus departments, and the residence halls. The SLC Science Program is run by professional learning specialists and services are provided by trained peer staff.