Upper Division Math Tutoring Program


In Fall 2021, the Math Department and Student Learning Center entered into a collaboration to build support services for students in Upper Division Mathematics. The goal was to create a sense of belonging and inclusion for underserved student populations in the math major focusing on two critical gateway courses Math 104 and Math 113. The program has now expanded to include Math 110 and Math 185 (for Fall 2023). 

Services Offered

Drop-In Tutoring

  • We provide free Drop-In Tutoring services for Math 104, Math 110, Math 113, Math 128A and Math 185 in the Cesar Chavez Atrium. Drop-In is designed to encourage students to work collaboratively with support from tutors on problem sets, concepts, theory, or anything else related to the material in their courses
  • Drop-In for Upper Division Math is open Monday-Friday 12-5pm (beginning Week Three) in the Math/Stat Drop-In Area of the Cesar Chavez Building Atrium. Please see our Spring 2025 Drop-in Schedule for more details. 

Topic Reviews

  • We provide Topic Reviews for Math 104, Math 110, Math 113, Math 128A, and Math 185 which focus on reviewing key ideas and intuition for critical topics in each course. We strive to provide you with an opportunity to refine the key knowledge, skills and abilities that are imperative for deep understanding within each topic. 
  • If you are interested in getting access to past semester Topic Review resources please fill out the form at http://bit.ly/SLCMathStatReviews to get access to the Upper Division Math Topic Reviews bCourses.

Please see the Spring 2025 Topic Reviews Schedule for more information and a link to the RSVP Form.