Chemistry 32 Course Information
Instructors: Maheemah Bokhoree
Course ID: 20507, 20508
Meeting Times: TuTh 8:00-8:59am, TuTh 1:00-1:59pm
Course Description: Foundation and preparation for General Chemistry. Topics and concepts include elements, atoms, molecules, chemical reactions, chemical calculations, properties of gases and gas laws; thermodynamics, acid/base chemical equilibrium, and periodic trends. In addition, by practicing learning as a process, students will cultivate the habits, strategies, and mindset necessary to succeed in the sciences. Through rigorous practice and guided reflection, students will grow in their ability to master the subject matter and hone their disposition toward scientific learning.
Chemistry 32 Course Enrollment
Chem 32 is offered by the Department of Chemistry. Students interested in enrolling must submit the course interest form. This form can be accessed via the Class Description section for Chem 32 in the Berkeley Academic Guide. Fall semester interest form submissions are reviewed beginning in August and students are contacted directly by the department.
Fall 2024 Services Offered
Science Program services will begin in the third week of instruction. Please visit the links below to view the schedule for each service format.
Drop-In | Topic Review | Exam Review |
Schedule | Not Offered | Not Offered |
Note: SLC services are complementary to academic support offered by the course instructional team, campus departments, and the residence halls. The SLC Science Program is run by professional learning specialists and services are provided by trained peer staff.