Math and Statistics
The Frequently Asked Questions that are specifically associated with the Math and Statistics Program.
I want to work on my homework problems. Why does my tutor keep introducing “parallel problems”?
The goal of our tutoring services is to facilitate student understanding of the material. Homework assignments are assigned to assess a student’s understanding. If a tutor works directly on your homework problem, it is very easy to give away the solution rather than helping you develop the logic behind the solution. Instead, tutors are trained to create parallel problems that highlight some of the strategies and techniques you will need to employ to solve your homework problem. If you were to leave with a completed homework assignment without the knowledge required to complete the assignment, then not only are you turning in an assignment that is not your own (a violation of academic honesty policies) but you are also leaving with a false sense of your own understanding.
I want to work with an individual tutor. How come I keep getting placed with a group of students?
During our busy times, students are grouped together with other students from the same course. See this as an opportunity to build community with the students in your course, compare answers and strategies, and ask questions as a group. This allows the tutors to be able to work with people more efficiently. Also, having to explain and defend your strategies is an important tool in developing your mastery of the material. If you want individual attention, come during our less busy hours (mornings and days well before due dates).
How often should I sign into the computer? Do I need to sign out?
Students should sign in at the computer once every hour they use our services. There is no need for students to sign out after tutoring sessions.
What courses do you support?
The Math/Stat tutoring program supports most lower division math and statistics courses, and some upper division courses as well. The courses we support in Drop-In are:
Math 1A/B, 10A/B, 16A/B, 32, 53, 54, 55, and Stat 2/20/21/131A/134
If you have questions from other courses, sign in as “Other Math” or “Other Stat” and let the Drop-In Ambassador know what material that you need help with. These courses take a lower priority than the courses from the list above.
Why do we need to sign in at the computer?
Signing in at the computer helps us manage the resources more efficiently. We adjust the number of tutors that can tutor the various subjects based on the most popular times for that course. Also, by keeping track of the usage in Drop-In Tutoring, we are able to report the frequency that our services are used. Lastly, this helps us direct you to the appropriate tutor.