Become an LEP Student Coordinator

Welcome to the Student Learning Center Language Exchange Program! We are glad you're interested in joining our team.

LEP provides a free, flexible, and fun-filled way for Cal students, international and domestic alike, to meet and share their language skills. In our first three years, we have connected over 900 students speaking over 26 different languages, garnered attention from campus administrators, and increased opportunities for international and domestic students to create meaningful relationships at Cal. This year, we aim to further grow our global community, while continuing to provide high-touch, high-quality programming for language enthusiasts to connect. We are seeking driven and dedicated individuals to help make this happen!

As a member of the LEP team, you will work with student and professional staff to facilitate the program. On the day-to-day, this involves everything from facilitating orientations to welcome students to the program, responding to participant inquiries, and facilitating social events.

LEP Student Coordinator Position

Qualifications & Requirements

Minimum Qualifications

  • Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • No more than two “Incomplete” grades
  • Not on academic probation
  • Proficiency in at least one language other than English
  • Satisfactory completion of application
Preferred Qualifications
  • Passion for language and the learning process
  • Desire to grow as a language speaker and budding professional
  • Strong interest in collaborative learning models
  • Strong interest in serving the language learning community at Cal
  • Willingness to engage in reflective practice
  • Experience working with peers from diverse backgrounds
  • Event planning and organizing experience
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills
  • Experience working with international student populations
  • Creative and artistic skills
  • Proficiency in G Suite, Canva, Microsoft Office, and/or Photoshop

Program Requirements for Selected Candidates

  • Attend weekly seminar, scheduled for Wednesdays 3-5PM, starting week 2 of instruction
  • Commit a minimum of 5 hours/week and up to 15 hours during event weeks*

*Note: Students may not be employed by the University more than 50% time during the fall or spring semester in any combination of titles. Students may work up to 100% time during the summer and during the winter break.


  • Attend and prepare for weekly team meetings
  • Facilitate info sessions and orientations
  • Facilitate language pods
  • Plan and implement social events
  • Write email communications to participants
  • Foster an inclusive and welcoming learning environment
  • Perform other tasks as assigned: Data entry, work performance conferences, and general program support, assist with program outreach


Application Deadline: Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis until all positions are filled. Upcoming Fall 2023 review date(s): August 21st

Application Inquiries

For additional information about SLC tutor positions, visit here.